Saturday, September 3, 2011

Controversy about the use of Synthroid

Here is some controversy about Synthroid (levothyroxine) which is artificial thyroid hormone.
The difference between the animal and the human explanation of its authorized uses are completely opposite!

Human protocol:
Levothyroxine (Synthroid) should not be used to treat obesity or weight problems.

Animal protocol:
What response can you expect from (Synthroid) treatment? You should see an increase in activity levels and mental acuity within the first week and some weight loss should be apparent by the end of the fourth week.

Here’s a great example!
Merck’s Manual of Veterinary medicine and Merck’s Manual (the human version) DO NOT Agree on the outcome of Hypothyroid treatment. 

The Veterinary manual expects results including weight loss! 

The human version DOES NOT expect any results at all!  The human version of Merck’s manual is written with the idea that the TSH and T4 tests are the only necessary tests and it at no point mentions any expected results of treatment other than numbers on paper!

Check it out for yourself! 
This link will take you to the Human version of Merck’s Manual Hypothyroid treatment page, scroll down to where you see “treatment” at the lowest part of the page:

This link will take you to the Veterinary version of Merck’s Manual Hypothyroid treatment page, scroll down to where you see “treatment” at the lowest part of the page: 

Did you notice the complete difference in protocol and the fact that the human version is devoid of results?  Yet, the veterinary version expects results!

So, now what?   How deep are the lies really?

Armour Thyroid Dosing -- TWICE a day.

I have been in a rehab facility for about 7 weeks now and I have had numerous issues with this facility about my Thyroid regiment.  First they decided I was taking too much and tried to change my dosages using the standard TSH and T4 tests.  Then they told me there is no such thing as taking Thyroid Hormones twice a day!  They literally threatened me with the idea that they could lose their license if they allowed me to take my thyroid twice a day!  

Recently on September 1st the nurse woke me up at 6:00 AM to take my Thyroid because someone had decided that I should take it before meals.  They didn’t consult with me first they just went ahead and made the changes and thoroughly pissed me off!  I sleep very irregularly due to chronic low back pain, so waking me up is very risky business!  So, pay close attention to the dosing instructions for Armour and Cytomel below.

I am going to try and clear up some of the confusion about Thyroid protocol, at least the protocol that I am on. I am going to condense some information from Dr. Mercola’s discussion about Armour thyroid and Cytomel (T3) and add a link to his web page so
you can read all of it.

From Dr. Mercola’s webpage on Armour thyroid:
“Armour Thyroid Dosing -- TWICE a day."
“Taking the Armour thyroid twice a day overcomes traditional medicine's major objection and resistance to using natural thyroid preparations - its variability in its blood-levels. Most doctors using Armour thyroid are not aware that Armour thyroid should be used twice daily and NOT once a day. The major reason is that the T3 component (of Armour) has such a short half life and needs to be taken twice daily to achieve consistent blood levels.” ~~ Take “Cytomel (pure-T3, and Armour which contains T3) after breakfast and supper daily,” 
See More at:

I really hope the medical profession gets on board with the new facts emerging about testing and treating Thyroid conditions—especially Hypothyroidism!