Saturday, October 8, 2011

Important information about Vitamin D

Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D is also essential in the modulation of neuromuscular and immune system function and in the reduction of inflammation.  The primary focus is placed on preventing undue bone demineralization. Virtually no thought is put toward the levels our species evolved with. Vitamin D conversion is variable based on many factors, including skin pigmentation. 

At northern latitudes, there is not enough radiation to convert vitamin D, especially during the winter, and after the age of 70 the skin does not convert vitamin D effectively. It turns out that darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels. Things like altitude, such as living in the mountains, and body weight affect Vitamin D levels.  Obese people have lower levels than thin people.

The following is a series of direct quotes form:
The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic: A Forgotten Hormone Important for Health, by Author  Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD

“The association of living at upper (and lower) latitudes (i.e., above or below the 35th parallels of latitude) with increased risk of dying from cancer, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and hypertension is well documented…. The skeletal consequences of vitamin D deficiency on bone health include osteoporosis and increased risk for fractures, especially of the hip, vertebrae and forearm with serious impact on quality of life and survival... What is less appreciated is that vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness, increasing risk of swaying and falling, thus further increasing risk of fracture in the frail elderly…Osteoporosis and vitamin D deficiency have also been linked with increased risk of many chronic diseases including: heart disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune and infectious diseases, asthma and other wheezing disorders. It is well documented that living at upper and lower latitudes increases risk for multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes…. Children in Finland who received 2000 IU of vitamin D/day during their first year of life and followed for 31 years were found to have a 78 percent reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes….Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with a 50 percent increased risk of having a myocardial infarction.  Hypertension, congestive heart failure and peripheral vascular disease have been associated with vitamin D deficiency.  Vascular smooth muscle, and cardiomyocytes have a vitamin D receptor, and it has been estimated that up to 2000 genes related to cardiovascular health may be directly or indirectly influenced by 1,25(OH)2D… It has been estimated that for every 100 IU of vitamin D/day that is taken, the blood level of 25(OH)D is increased by 1 ng/mL (2.5 nmol/L)… Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is pandemic and is seen in essentially every country in the world. There are many causes (Figure 3), but lack of awareness of the importance of this deficiency is crucial in individual and public health. Oily fish, cod liver oil and mushrooms exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation are the only natural sources.”
See the entire Abstract at:

The current recommendation or intake of Vitamin D depends on many variables especially where you live.  Many studies suggest that if you live above or below the 30th Latitude you can’t get sufficient Vitamin D even if you stay outdoors all day, every day.

From Dr. Joseph Mercola:
“Please -- if you supplement with vitamin D3, have your vitamin D levels tested routinely to ensure you do not overdose with it. You and your physician need to be aware of your vitamin D levels so you can adjust your supplementation accordingly. This is a customized approach -- not a one-size-fits-all.  

Vitamin D Dose Recommendations
Age                                  Dosage
Below 5                           35 units per pound per day
Age 5 - 10                       2500 units
Adults                              5000 units 
Pregnant women            5000 units

There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60ng/ml.” 

Dr. Mercola has an excellent site for all health related matters.  This is a link to Dr. Mercola’s                           
Vitamin D resource page where the above information comes from:

There are two types of tests that are currently done by laboratories to determine Vitamin D levels.  Here is the table for converting one to the other from Wikipedia:

Conversion of Vitamin D from ng/D to nmol/L for Vitamin D is:
1.0    nmol/L  =  0.4 ng/mL

Because of how I feel, and my medical history I am personally trying to maintain my Vitamin D level at between 80 -100 ng/ml.  There has been some research that suggests that this level is not dangerous and may be even more beneficial. 

I encourage you to do your own research on this subject and consult with your doctor. 

Never undertake a Vitamin program using Fat soluble vitamins without lab tests, and the supervision of a Medical Professional!

For more in depth information watch the video:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Controversy about the use of Synthroid

Here is some controversy about Synthroid (levothyroxine) which is artificial thyroid hormone.
The difference between the animal and the human explanation of its authorized uses are completely opposite!

Human protocol:
Levothyroxine (Synthroid) should not be used to treat obesity or weight problems.

Animal protocol:
What response can you expect from (Synthroid) treatment? You should see an increase in activity levels and mental acuity within the first week and some weight loss should be apparent by the end of the fourth week.

Here’s a great example!
Merck’s Manual of Veterinary medicine and Merck’s Manual (the human version) DO NOT Agree on the outcome of Hypothyroid treatment. 

The Veterinary manual expects results including weight loss! 

The human version DOES NOT expect any results at all!  The human version of Merck’s manual is written with the idea that the TSH and T4 tests are the only necessary tests and it at no point mentions any expected results of treatment other than numbers on paper!

Check it out for yourself! 
This link will take you to the Human version of Merck’s Manual Hypothyroid treatment page, scroll down to where you see “treatment” at the lowest part of the page:

This link will take you to the Veterinary version of Merck’s Manual Hypothyroid treatment page, scroll down to where you see “treatment” at the lowest part of the page: 

Did you notice the complete difference in protocol and the fact that the human version is devoid of results?  Yet, the veterinary version expects results!

So, now what?   How deep are the lies really?

Armour Thyroid Dosing -- TWICE a day.

I have been in a rehab facility for about 7 weeks now and I have had numerous issues with this facility about my Thyroid regiment.  First they decided I was taking too much and tried to change my dosages using the standard TSH and T4 tests.  Then they told me there is no such thing as taking Thyroid Hormones twice a day!  They literally threatened me with the idea that they could lose their license if they allowed me to take my thyroid twice a day!  

Recently on September 1st the nurse woke me up at 6:00 AM to take my Thyroid because someone had decided that I should take it before meals.  They didn’t consult with me first they just went ahead and made the changes and thoroughly pissed me off!  I sleep very irregularly due to chronic low back pain, so waking me up is very risky business!  So, pay close attention to the dosing instructions for Armour and Cytomel below.

I am going to try and clear up some of the confusion about Thyroid protocol, at least the protocol that I am on. I am going to condense some information from Dr. Mercola’s discussion about Armour thyroid and Cytomel (T3) and add a link to his web page so
you can read all of it.

From Dr. Mercola’s webpage on Armour thyroid:
“Armour Thyroid Dosing -- TWICE a day."
“Taking the Armour thyroid twice a day overcomes traditional medicine's major objection and resistance to using natural thyroid preparations - its variability in its blood-levels. Most doctors using Armour thyroid are not aware that Armour thyroid should be used twice daily and NOT once a day. The major reason is that the T3 component (of Armour) has such a short half life and needs to be taken twice daily to achieve consistent blood levels.” ~~ Take “Cytomel (pure-T3, and Armour which contains T3) after breakfast and supper daily,” 
See More at:

I really hope the medical profession gets on board with the new facts emerging about testing and treating Thyroid conditions—especially Hypothyroidism!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Vitamin B-12 and Depression

While still in rehab for my broken hip I have begun having flare ups of my Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) along with  episodes of Depression in the last few weeks I've been here. 

I have asked to have an injection of Vitamin B-12 which I have previously had prescriptions for, or injections in the doctor’s office, for many years.  I asked the doctor here to put me on an oral dose of B-12 at 1000mcg daily after a 1 ml initial injection of B-12.  Vitamin B-12 prevents my Depression and probably helps with the Arthritis attacks as well.

My RA is normally fully controlled with medical Cannabis, and since I don’t recall having a serious flare up of RA in the last several years I am attributing my recent flare-ups due to the lack of availability of my normal medicinal control methods, and possibly in part due to the lack of Vitamin B-12.

I have been using B-12 both orally and by injection routinely for at least 10 years to prevent Depression, but I have had no B-12 for a month now since I was injured and came here, and my Depression is worsening daily.  The Vitamin B-12 has always stopped my Depression, and it allows me to have a HAPPY life!

The Doctor at this facility told me I can’t have B-12 because it’s only approved use is for “Pernicious Anemia.”  So, using B-12 for Depression would be using it “off-label” according to him.  However, this same doctor routinely uses copious amounts of other drugs; especially Psych drugs “off-label,” but I can’t have a simple B vitamin “off-label”!

In my opinion the doctor here needs to go to some seminars, or get enrolled in some classes somewhere, so he can learn about new treatments and ideas and get his medical knowledge updated to the 21st century!

This doctor will prescribe all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs “off-label” but he won’t give me a simple B vitamin I can buy over the counter anywhere!  What kind of “Doctor” behaves this way?  He has already been warned that patients are entitled to their routine and customary medications.  I am beginning to think that he may be getting some kind off kick back from the drug pushers (pharmaceutical companies) to encourage him to use as many of their pharmaceuticals as he can get away with.  Of course there is no incentive money available for the use of natural Vitamins!

Just so you know what the definition of using drugs “off-label” actually is here is a definition from the internet site eMedTV:  “Even though the FDA approves medications for specific uses, a healthcare provider may prescribe a medication to treat a condition other than what it has been approved to treat by the FDA. This is called an "off-label" use. Because the best medication for your situation may be one that is used off-label, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about the benefits and risks of using a medication off-label.
What Does Off-Label Mean?
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves medications for specific uses. If a medication is used for any other use (other than the approved uses), this is considered an "off-label" use. For instance, trazodone (Desyrel®) is a prescription medication approved to treat depression. However, trazodone is commonly prescribed to also treat insomnia, even though it is not approved for this use. Using trazodone for insomnia is an "off-label" use.
Have Off-Label Uses Been Studied?
Many off-label uses of medications have been thoroughly studied. Just because a medication has been thoroughly studied for a specific use does not mean the FDA automatically approves it for this use. A drug company must apply to the FDA to have a new use for a medication approved. Because this process can be quite lengthy and expensive, many companies do not seek approval for off-label uses. If a medication is older (and generic versions are available), it often does not make sense financially to seek approval for off-label uses. However, if a medication is newer, a new use may mean a new patent for the medication (which may allow the drug company to keep the sole rights to market the medication for a longer period of time).
Off-Label Rules:
Drug companies cannot advertise off-label uses for their medications.
Similarly, there are special rules limiting how representatives of drug companies can discuss and promote off-label uses of medications. However, healthcare providers are not limited in prescribing medications off-label. There are no laws preventing the off-label prescribing of medications. In fact, the off-label use of medications can be very appropriate in many situations. On the other hand, the off-label use of medications can also be inappropriate. Using a medication off-label without scientific evidence to support such use (especially when other alternatives are available) is generally not appropriate.”

Unfortunately B-12 isn’t really a drug!  It is a Vitamin sold almost everywhere over the counter!  Only the injectable form of B-12 requires a prescription.  Vitamin B-12 has had lots of studies done and there are many recognized uses of Vitamin B-12.  From the site WebMD: The many uses of B-12 include the prevention and treatment of conditions such; as memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, boosting mood, energy, concentration, boosting the immune system, and slowing aging. It is also used for heart disease, lowering high homocysteine levels (which may contribute to heart disease), male infertility, diabetes, sleep disorders, depression, mental disorders, weak bones (osteoporosis), swollen tendons, AIDS, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), asthma, allergies, a skin disease called vitiligo, preventing cervical and other cancers, and skin infections.  See more at:

Since drug companies cannot promote the use of drugs off-label, what does the previous paragraph actually mean? I understand it to mean that the listed uses above are NOT inappropriate use of Vitamin B-12 off-label!  And, that B-12 is recognized as a treatment for all of those above listed conditions, and many more I did not list here.

I am a two time heart patient (2 surgeries) and I have Osteoarthritis as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Vitamin B-12 is recommended for heart disease, and lowering high homocysteine levels which may contribute to heart disease. As far as my Depression is concerned, I have tried almost every antidepressant made, and they all have serious negative side effects, or have caused negative consequences in my life.

I think it would be a very good idea to get me back on my normal medical protocol of Vitamin B-12 immediately! 

"B12 deficiency: a silent epidemic with serious consequences.
B12 deficiency has been estimated to affect about 40% of people over 60 years of age. It’s entirely possible that at least some of the symptoms we attribute to “normal” aging – such as memory loss, cognitive decline, decreased mobility, etc. – are at least in part caused by B12 deficiency."  Cite from:

From what you just read don’t you think it would be a good idea to get everyone in this place on B-12?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thanks Dr. Mercola for being a good resource for sound medical opinions and advice!

I posted a link to Dr. Mercola's website because the information from his blogs and video's were instrumental in helping me to figure some of this out. His website is always a good place to look for good sound medical information and advice, and he can help you make some sense out of the medical controversy and rhetoric that is all over the web.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Let's clear up some of the confusion about the Free T3 test

After experimenting for the last three years with the Free T3 test, I have come to the conclusion that you can’t have an accurate Free T3 test unless you have stopped taking all thyroid supplementation for at least 48 hours prior to having blood drawn for the test, or the results will be very inaccurate. 

For example:  I have one test from about 2 years ago where the results are literally off the chart at 900 for Free T3!  The normal lab test range for Free T3 is approximately 2.3 to 4.2.  So, 900 caused them to freak!  It turns out that you CAN NOT use a Free T3 test as a good indicator of T3 levels if the person is taking a T3 supplement such as Armour, or Cytomel.  T3 is very short acting and ramps up quickly, but also comes down quickly.  They do not make a time released version of T3 for the US market, so you are supposed to take T3 three times a day, or every 8 hours for best results according to the literature.

My cardiologist found the best T3 test to use on me since I am taking T3 supplementation.  It is a test called "T3-resin uptake" (T3RU, or T3U, or RUT3 etc; may also go by the name THBR - thyroid hormone binding ratio).   I am not a Doc, but since he started using this test all of my Thyroid parameters are normal except for TSH which we do not care about

Here is why we don’t care about TSH; I am NOT using my body’s endocrine feedback system (TSH) since I am taking artificial thyroid supplementation.  So, TSH is irrelevant to my treatment and we do not look at it!  The labs always draw pictures, diagrams, and arrows to point out my extremely low TSH which is usually near Zero.  I guess they don’t understand that all my other numbers are perfect, and my health is better than ever before in my life, so I don’t care about it!  Why would I care about a pituitary secretion (TSH) that has nothing whatsoever to do with the functioning of my metabolism? I don’t, but they do--because they have had their attention diverted to a non-issue by the drug companies and drug reps that make lots of money from the confusion about the importance of the TSH test.

Why is the TSH test worthless you wonder?  Because my TSH is normal when I have NO thyroid hormones circulating in my bloodstream!  My thyroid hormones are so low they can’t even be seen on a normal lab test if I don’t get thyroid supplementation, yet my TSH is normal.  This is true for a lot of people by the way, especially if they were given Thyroid hormones as a child. 

So, what helps me keep my weight down, and keep Coronary Artery Disease at bay?  NOT TSH that’s for sure!  Only correct levels of T3 do!  I no longer take dangerous Statin drugs (cholesterol lowering drugs) anymore!  I don’t need them because the T3 thyroid hormones correctly control the fat (cholesterol) in my body!

I hope this clears up some of the confusion about thyroid testing.  The tests that I rely on are Free T4, and RUT3.  I will consider the results of a Free T3 test if I stop taking the thyroid supplements for 2 days (48 hours) prior to the blood draw, otherwise it is inaccurate.

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional so I am not allowed to give you any medical advice.  You should always seek the advice of a medical professional when dealing with any medical problem.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My broken Hip and the rehab facility response to my current thyroid protocol.

On Saturday July 16th 2011, when I got off the final bus from my trip to Gold Bar to volunteer at Fancy Fronds Fern Nursery, I was running across the street because I couldn’t see the lights clearly due to the sun being directly on them, so the cart I was dragging went wonkus and wrapped around my legs and I fell and broke my left hip and fractured my left wrist.

I was taken to Swedish Edmonds (formerly Steven’s Hospital) and they did surgery on my hip to pin it the following day.  Now I have 6 weeks of recovery to get through.  My leg was so swollen originally it couldn’t be moved, let alone me move it on my own.  My wrist was apparently fractured by the guy trying to help me get out of the street.  He had it bent up in an odd way.  It’ll be OK and doesn’t bother me.

Anyway I was moved to a rehab facility that will remain nameless because I have had a thyroid incident with the facility MD here already.  The medical director decided to test my Thyroid and vitamin D level without my knowledge or permission.  I take 8,000 Units of Vitamin D daily, and the Vitamin D test came back perfect.  But, since he did not test my thyroid correctly, he chose to change my dosages.

I met him briefly and he told me how too much T3 can cause an increased heart rate.  I said “easily countered with beta blockers” whereupon he said “Oh your pretty smart about this stuff,” and I added “if you are getting increased heart rate as a response to treatment you might want to back off on the T3.”  He looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing—somebody who actually knows a little about thyroid protocol!  Then he proceeded to change my dosages based on two “known to be inaccurate” tests and he ignored the “correct tests” on the same page of the lab report that both indicated I am right where I should be.
Folks this is NORMAL behavior of the Medical profession.  Instead of asking me why I am being treated differently and using T3 protocol, he made his own assumptions and treated me according to his assumptions.  My T3 protocol is what it is in order to prevent the reoccurrence of Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue etc…

So, here is an interesting factoid—while I’m here I can ask lots of medical professional a very pertinent question.  I ask medical professionals at random if they would give me an antibiotic that my body has to convert to a useable form in order to work, and they all look horrified at the thought! They can’t see any way that this would be good idea!  Yet this is how thyroid protocol is done every day!  Instead of giving the usable form of thyroid hormone called T3, they give T4 which must be converted to T3 in order to have any effect at all on you!  Not only that; they give you SYNTHETIC T4!  So, you can see this can’t be a good way to do things, and the TSH type of diversionary testing protocol is never used for anything other than thyroid issues! 

Please be aware that the information I am giving you is totally contrary to what the drug companies want the medical profession to rely on.  The medical reference books are all written, or underwritten, by drug companies who want money—not health!

I will happily answer any questions you may have, but I am not a medical professional and all I can give you is a non-medical opinion.  However, I am an excellent troubleshooter; I did it for a living, so that is where I may be able to assist you.

All truth passes through three stages:
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
-Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

Friday, July 22, 2011

My side effects from Hypothyroidism--all gone now:

Coronary Artery Disease--CAD
Chronic Fatigue
Carpal Tunnel
Mental fogginess
Chronic Insomnia
Daytime micro-sleep episodes.  Unable to stay awake unless I was physically moving

Friday, June 24, 2011

Roadblocks to the Cure

What if all the medical protocol was written by drug companies?

Disclaimer:  This is my story.  It is not to be interpreted as medical advice or medical opinion.  This story is based on my logical deductions, and is not substantially influenced by the medical advice or opinion of anyone else.

Here is my Story:  I was born in 1952, so I am an older woman.  I had Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in 2005 and Stents were placed in 2006 because the bypass was blocked.  I have spent my entire life dieting unsuccessfully and never was able to lose the excess weight despite chronic dieting and massive amounts of exercise.  The evidence of this exercise was found when they opened me up and discovered that my 240 pound body had a very SMALL heart!  Small hearts are not due to laziness!  They are a good thing, and a small heart indicates that a lot of exercise has been a way of life!  None of this was my fault!  I did what I was supposed to do!

“Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to "run the body's metabolism," it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms associated with a slow metabolism.  Hypothyroidism is more common than you would believe, and millions of people are currently hypothyroid and don't know it.”  Find out more at:

“Typically doctors have not treated sub-clinical Hypothyroidism, claiming that there is no demonstrable benefit to patients. It’s a controversial topic however; as some studies have shown that failing to treat sub-clinical Hypothyroidism can have negative consequences.  In particular, the relationship between untreated Hypothyroidism and the risk of developing heart disease and metabolic syndrome has been a topic of some controversy.”  (This attitude nearly killed me ~ Author)

Definition:  Sub-clinical is when the tests look good on paper, but you are still fat and unable to lose weight.  In my opinion it seems that you are not as important as the paper.

Let’s explore who wins when people with Hypothyroidism go untreated/under-treated:
The Diet Industry (Big-Agri) - $40 Billion annually
Diet food, exercise programs, special clothing etc...

The Pharmaceutical Industry (Big-Pharma) - $500 Billion annually
Instead of treating the actual problem, the Hypothyroidism, with the correct amount of usable Thyroid Hormones it is much more profitable to treat the associated Hypothyroidism symptoms with drugs used for the treatment and control of; Psychiatric disorders, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Heart issues, Obesity, Arthritis, Pain, Insomnia, and many other symptoms not listed here. Guess who writes the thyroid protocol?  These guys! Do you think they will use protocol that doesn’t drive profit?

Hospitals and Surgeries (Big-Medi) – $ 50 Billion annually
Cardiac Bypass, Gall Bladder, Lap Band, Stomach Stapling and many others not listed here.

My story continued:  So, I decided I would die if I didn’t do something different than follow current medical protocol.  I did some research and this is what I discovered:  The ‘results’ of adequately treating Hypothyroidism have been carefully removed from common knowledge and ‘no discernable result’ is the expected norm for treatment of HUMAN Hypothyroidism in modern medicine!  The #1 symptom of Hypothyroidism is FAT!  It is curiously not even mentioned on the medical web sites or in the medical books as a symptom.  On the other hand, when a Veterinarian treats an animal for Hypothyroidism they expect weight loss as part of the results of treatment.  That’s one of the primary symptoms and primary uses of thyroid hormones in animals, yet it’s completely missing from the human protocol.  Aren’t humans “mammals” with the same endocrine system? Shouldn’t I be losing weight with adequate treatment?  I came to the conclusion that when the veterinary protocol does not match the human protocol, it is because the human protocol has been perverted to drive profit!

Here is a practical description of the effects of Hypo-thyroidism as compared to the practical description of the effects of Hyper-thyroidism.  Think about this carefully.
Hypothyroidism ~ causes slow but steady weight gain despite limited caloric intake.
Hyperthyroidism ~ causes slow but steady weight loss despite massive caloric intake.
There is a very large range considered “Normal” between these two extremes.

There are 4 thyroid hormones produced by your thyroid gland which is located in the front of your neck just below the voice box.  They are called T1, T2, T3, and T4.  Modern medicine focuses on only 2 of them; T3 and T4.  There is not much information available about T1 and T2 and they are never discussed in the literature I’ve seen.  However, all of the literature agrees that the one thyroid hormone your body uses to control its metabolism is T3. But, the most commonly prescribed thyroid medication is T4.  The T4 most commonly used is called Levothyroxine, or Synthroid.  The idea is that your body uses the T4 as raw material to make usable T3.  Levothyroxine is synthetic (artificial) and there has been some discussion that it may not be efficiently converted to T3 by many people because it is synthetic.

I came to the conclusion that if the current treatment of my Hypothyroidism did not result in my ability to lose weight, then the treatment was ineffective because insufficient usable thyroid hormone (T3) is available to my body for my metabolism to run efficiently.  Since I have never experienced weight loss with synthetic T4 (Synthroid) treatment, I decided that treatment with T4 only was not effective for me, not that the thyroid treatment itself was ineffective.  All the research and studies I found focus on the use of T4 - the non-usable form of thyroid hormone, instead of T3 - the usable form of thyroid hormone.

Well, no wonder there have never been any results from Hypothyroid treatment for me, I am broken!  Interestingly enough when I started taking the T3 (Cytomel), I started to have immediate results!  I lost weight!  Now I am able to lose weight on any common low-calorie diet!

Hypothyroidism is a multi-billion dollar revenue stream for many Corporations.  Read the list of symptoms and conditions and you be the judge of how much “Profit” there is in keeping you from effective treatment.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism from the Internet site “Wrong Diagnosis”:  “The types and severity of symptoms of Hypothyroidism vary between individuals. At the onset of the disease, the symptoms can be vague and develop slowly. They may or may not include weakness, weight gain, cold sensitivity, cold hands and feet, fatigue, dry skin, brittle nails, and thinning, brittle hair.  Other early symptoms include muscle achiness, joint pain, and heavy menstrual periods.  If Hypothyroidism is left undiagnosed and untreated, later symptoms can include confusion, thick skin, swelling of the arms or legs, slowing of speech, and depression.  Untreated Hypothyroidism may also lead to serious complications, such as heart disease, infertility, miscarriage, osteoporosis, birth defects, and heart failure.  Rarely, a critical complication called myxedema coma can occur. This is the most extreme form of Hypothyroidism, and it is life threatening. Symptoms of myxedema coma include decreased respirations, hypotension, hypoglycemia, unresponsiveness, and shock.”  Read more at:

There are more symptoms and conditions than those listed here and you can find them in many places on the Web.  My recommendation is to take everything you read into consideration especially if there is profit in it.

This is what I came up with after a lot of research.


The first roadblock to the treatment of thyroid problems is the focus on TSH tests as the way to determine if there is a problem.  The TSH test is the most commonly used “thyroid” test in human medicine.  TSH stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.  TSH is produced by the Pituitary gland, the gland that runs the entire glandular (endocrine) system.  In a correctly working endocrine system the TSH secretion causes the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones T3 and T4.  After some research and a few questions of my own, I discovered that Veterinarians do not use the TSH test because it is “A worthless test.”  Does this sound like the test you want used on you?  In my case I found the TSH test specifically blocked my access to treatment.  My TSH is normal, yet I produce virtually no thyroid hormones - because I am broken!  I believe that the Doctors have had their attention intentionally distracted from the real issue and diverted to a non-issue; TSH.  Pituitary secretions do not control the metabolism; thyroid hormones do!  In my opinion by having the doctors focus on TSH, it keeps them from looking at the real problem; the real problem is the level of the usable thyroid hormone (T3) that DOES control metabolism!

An example of this thinking occurred early in my new treatment protocol.  My new Doctor drew blood for labs and then went on vacation.  My labs came back while she was gone and I got an emergency call from her office.  I returned the call and was told by her associate that I needed to stop talking the thyroid immediately!  I asked why and was told that my TSH was near zero, and that meant I was taking way too much.  Well I knew that two other thyroid tests called Free T3 and Free T4 were run in this same lab, so I asked “What is my Free T4?”   After a moment the reply was “Well that’s normal,” so I asked, “What is my Free T3?”  Again the reply was “Well that’s normal also.”  I asked “So, should I stop talking the thyroid?  And the response was “Well I guess not.”  This is a true example of the way that the doctors and health care practitioners are taught to focus on TSH to the exclusion of all else, instead of looking at the actual problem, the Thyroid Hormones!  TSH is NOT important to the treatment of thyroid problems and Veterinarians do not use the TSH test because the results of the TSH tests are, according to them, “WORTHLESS!”  TSH tests specifically deny access to a treatment that would improve health so that the revenue from profit is dramatically increased!  The drug companies invented the TSH thyroid protocol and profit greatly from it.

The second roadblock is the use of TSH tests as the primary treatment protocol for thyroid hormone replacement therapy.  Please explain how a broken feedback system can be used to treat me?  How can my broken system be fixed?  It can’t!  In my opinion the idea is stupid, and it is specifically put in place to drive Profit!  So, here is my analogy.  If people who drive cars applied the TSH feedback loop idea to engine maintenance, you’d all be walking!  Do you wait for the water in the radiator to begin to boil away before you add engine oil?  Dumb idea isn’t it? But, it will keep the motor from seizing if you add the oil at the first sign of the radiator overheating!   However, if you persist in this method of car maintenance, it shortens your engine life to nearly ‘zero’.  This is in fact what’s going on here medically with the TSH feedback loop.  It is the very same thing!  Just like the temperature feedback system is for your car’s exclusive use, so is the TSH feedback loop; it is for system use only!  It’s not yours to tamper with or address, and because tampering is not allowed, any results of tampering will likely be wrong.  Use the dip stick!  Stop checking the water temperature to determine the engine oil level!  Test the thyroid hormones directly to find out what you have!  For an excellent explanation of this concept see:   “A veterinarian discusses thyroid function:”

The third Roadblock is the use of the term ‘Sub-clinical’ to prevent you from getting treatment.  It means that you have many of the recognized symptoms of Hypothyroidism, but according to current medical protocol your numbers on paper are OK therefore you don’t need treatment.  So, answer this:  If I came to your office to fix an Office Machine and I checked everything, did nothing, and handed you a bill and told you are stuck with the broken machine because all of the adjustments are “OK” on paper.  Would you happily pay the bill and keep your broken machine? Not likely!  So, why should I accept a broken body because you call it “Sub-clinical”?  In my opinion there is no place for this term in any medical protocol, it is simply an excuse not to treat!  This is a source of tremendous profit so don’t expect changes real soon.

The fourth Roadblock is the notion that ANY treatment of sub-clinical or clinical Hypothyroidism will only result in Hyperthyroidism.  Since when?  What happened to the huge range called “Normal” in between the two extremes?  You might be surprised at how many doctors actually think this way.  They seem to be terrified to treat Hypothyroidism for fear of inducing Hyperthyroidism.  And, they seem to think that the Hyperthyroidism would be far worse than the Hypothyroidism the patient is already experiencing.  Why?  Who would Profit most from this outright LIE?  See below – “FYI Hyperthyroidism symptoms:” Please pay special attention to the part about the symptoms being mistaken as “normal signs of aging.”

In my opinion the 5th and final roadblock is the assumption that using T4 is adequate in all cases to treat Hypothyroidism.  How can this be true?  Better yet, let’s use synthetic T4!  Once again I am broken, why would anyone rely on my broken feedback system and broken body to perform any normal function?  Give me the usable form of thyroid hormone--T3, and then expect results!  The most important result being weight loss!  I suspect that the T4 treatment only protocol was put in place at the same time synthetic T4 came on the market.  It was designed specifically to be sure the profit margin from untreated/under-treated Hypothyroidism increased over time.  Guess what, it’s working!

So, lets talk about the most popular thyroid test there is; the TSH test.  The TSH test has caused people who were probably clinically hyperthyroid prior to treatment, to be prescribed two or more times as much thyroid hormone as what I was given as a severely hypothyroid patient due to the TSH test’s inherent failure to be able to determine anything useful!   I had two friends, both men, who were being treated for thyroid disorders.  They were both thin as a rail and complained that they could not gain weight, they complained of being too hot even in the  winter in a light shirt, they had uncontrolled diarrhea, and felt nauseous often.  These are all symptoms of extreme hyperthyroidism!  I looked at their prescribed medications and discovered they were both taking 2 times as much, or more, of Synthroid than I was!  Once again the doctors were not paying any attention to physical symptoms and apparently never looked at the actual T3 and T4 thyroid hormone levels.  These poor guys were experiencing all the symptoms of severe Hyperthyroidism while taking 2 or more times the amount of thyroid hormones I was on.  The most common complaint from these guys was diarrhea and weight loss despite massive food intake.  ???  Does no one pay attention to symptoms anymore?

“With the help of a compassionate physician, who believed me when I said I would Die if something didn't change, I did lose 100 pounds and reversed Coronary Artery Disease “CAD” using T3 (Cytomel) as my primary thyroid therapy for Hypothyroidism.”

Good luck with this as there is no current medical protocol that uses this method of treatment!  The TRUTH is: We humans are simply are not allowed to have positive results from the treatment of Hypothyroidism due to the extreme negative impact this would have on the Profit margins of Big-Pharma, Big-Medi, Big-Agri and anyone else who would lose money in the deal!  So, keep those dollars flowing; there is a bottomless pit that must be filled!

FYI Hyperthyroidism symptoms: – $0 Profit
“If you are Hyperthyroid you will experience weight loss and possibly an elevated heart rate, but the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism are not the same for everyone. Your symptoms will depend on how much hormone your thyroid gland is making, how long you have had the condition, and your age.  If you are older, it's easy to mistakenly dismiss your symptoms as normal signs of aging.”  More info:

This is as bad as Hyperthyroidism gets provided it is not left unchecked for very long.  I have seen it stated on the medical sites and in Merck’s manual that the elevated heart rate can be easily treated with Beta Blockers, but I am not a Doc, so I can’t verify one way or the other.  There is definitely no money at this end of the scale!  So, the pharmaceutical companies browbeat and brainwash the Doctors to stay away from this end of the scale!  There are several serious diseases that have Hyperthyroidism as a side-effect, or symptom, but do not be confused because it is not the same thing as having Hyperthyroidism alone.  This is the way the information gets skewed enough to confuse the doctors and prevent them from treating Hypothyroidism.

If you want an excellent explanation of how the thyroid system works see “A veterinarian discusses thyroid function:”

From an animal site on Hypothyroidism: “What response can you expect from treatment? You should see an increase in activity levels and mental acuity within the first week and some weight loss should be apparent by the end of the fourth week.”  See more at:

So, logically, I am a mammal with the same endocrine system as a dog. Shouldn’t I expect weight loss as a result of hypothyroid treatment also?

Do I need to see a Veterinarian to get results oriented treatment?  Probably!

The differences in veterinary protocol and human protocol exist for one reason only, PROFIT!  In the veterinary world animal owners demand results!  In the human world the drug companies block treatment that doesn’t drive their profits, therefore “NO” results are the accepted norm, and uninvolved third parties pay the bill (insurance companies) for human medical treatment, so results are not expected or required! 

On the other hand Owners pay the bills out of pocket for the animals, and they expect results!

$$$600 Billion in revenue is a lot to lose over this information getting out.  So, be very careful!

FYI:  I no longer diet.  I do not have to worry about what I eat as far as calories are concerned although I don’t eat very much because I am not hungry like I was.  I am a vegetarian now, but I was somewhat vegetarian before.  My cholesterol is textbook perfect now, whereas prior to T3 treatment I could never get it under 220.

In My Opinion--As far as I can tell all medical protocol is either directly written by the drug companies such as Merck’s Manual, or it is influenced by the drug companies, like Physician’s Desk Reference.  The financial contributions provided by pharmaceutical companies to Colleges and Universities involved in medical research help secure a profitable outcome for the pharmaceutical companies.

Here is another site you can go to and get more information, and a guide you can take to your doctor:

"My name is Janie, and I am a thyroid patient activist, author, blogger and creator of this informational, educational patient-to-patient site—STTM for short. It’s helpful information in the face of a medical treatment which has gone awry–based on the experience of patients worldwide to inspire, educate and be taken into your doctor’s office.
"Stop the thyroid madness™! 
It’s not working. 
It never has! 
It still doesn't."