Monday, September 3, 2012

Allopathic or Alternative? My opinion of these two medical systems.

“What is Alternative Medicine”?  If you ask your corner MD, or doc in the box, this question he or she will roll their eyes and tell you it is hocus pocus, not real medicine, dangerous, kooky, harmful and ineffective, and it will do nothing to help you because it is a waste of time.

So, what is Alternative medicine?  Well to start with we have to identify what conventional medicine is called, so we have a level field.  Conventional medicine has a name too, it is called “Allopathic Medicine,” “Alternative Medicine” is NOT Allopathic medicine, therefore it is an Alternative to Allopathic medicine.

Lets talk a little about Allopathic medicine now that we know its name. Allopathic medicine is the type of medicine your conventional family doctor or general practitioner follows.  It’s the type of medicine practiced by hospitals, nursing homes, counselors or family psychologists, medical specialists in any field of medicine, HMO’s, dieticians, rehabilitation specialists, pain specialists, nursing staff, and pretty much everyone you see is in “Conventional” medicine is practicing Allopathic medicine.

Allopathic medicine functions under the rules of statistics, flowcharts, diagnostic laboratory tests, blind and double blind trials.  Allopathic medicine analyzes all the small parts of the body individually as if they were separate pieces that function alone, and it treats each part individually. Allopathic medicine is unable to respond to a constellation of symptoms because every symptom is seen as a separate problem to be treated with a barrage of individual pharmaceutical drugs and conventional therapies.  Allopathic medicine does not consider the energy systems of the body at all in treatment because they don’t believe in them, despite the fact that the current understanding of our Universe is that everything in it is made of only energy. Allopathic medicine only uses pharmaceutical drugs for therapy, never natural preparations.  Allopathic medicine is medicine run for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies and other entities that PROFIT from illness.  In this type of medicine only profit matters.  When no more money can be made on you because you are dead, there is always someone to replace you.  Your allopathic physician is usually completely unaware that he or she is getting limited information designed to sell you drugs, not make you well. They have been lied to all the way through medical school.

Alternative medicine is practiced with the understanding that the whole is not simply the sum of its parts, but rather a product of the combination of everything that affects it.  Alternative medicine is not limited to information such as that obtained from statistics, flowcharts, and diagnostic laboratory tests because these things cannot analyze an integrated living organism effectively.  Alternative medicine is an integrative approach to medicine where problems are solved by treating the whole body.  Diagnosis is based on symptoms.  Investigation of symptoms is conducted with the understanding that bodily functions are closely related to one another and can seriously impact one another. Treatments are formulated to respond to the whole constellation of symptoms.  Alternative medicine can include traditional  “Eastern Medicine” where the energy channels of the body are analyzed, and manipulation of these energy channels is included in an integrated treatment plan.  Alternative medicine can use natural herbs as well as conventional drugs for therapy. In Alternative medicine your overall health is the most important thing.

Unfortunately, for Allopathic medicine, more and more people are figuring out the truth.  The truth is that in Allopathic medicine all of the medical reference material is directly written or indirectly influenced by Pharmaceutical companies who pervert the truth just a little to greatly improve their profits, which unfortunately negatively affects your health if it doesn’t kill you outright.

There are alternative healthy approaches to treating and curing all chronic diseases and ailments today, including Cancer, and they work!  The Alternative treatments that are available always involve intelligent choices of foods and medicines, and lifestyle changes as well as a personal attitude adjustment. The reason the treatments work is because you adjust your life to include good organically grown food and plant based medicines that are good for you.  You exclude processed food in any form and exercise regularly.  You try to live like people did before the golden age of “Living Better with Chemistry” came along. A time when there were no magic glowing rainbow pills, or magic beams of golden radiation, a time when Cancer was mostly unheard of.  

Curing epidemic outbreaks of Tuberculosis, Smallpox, Typhus and other infectious disease with antibiotics has caused a whole new population to appear that survived those outbreaks, but these survivors are still susceptible to the chronic diseases that came to replace the legacy of infectious diseases.  Nothing has really changed except this; conventional medicine has become hugely profit motivated, so the ones who stand to gain the most money from your illness will milk every system they can for all the money they can get before letting you die.  The drug treatments rarely work for the long run.  However, lifestyle changes tend to work when combined with real nutrition and holistic medicine and there is a mountain of evidence to prove it!

One of my favorite sources of good information on the web is Dr. Mercola’s website. He has had quite a lot of discussions about allopathic medicine vs. alternative medicine and he advocates that our nation's health care systems should include alternative medicine and treatments.  Here is a link to Dr. Mercola’s website and an article titled “How the American Medical Association (AMA) got rich.”  Dr. Mercola says “the people behind the AMA were not about protecting your health; they were interested in gaining power and getting rich.”  See more here:

There is a movie called “Dying to Have Known” by filmmaker Steve Kroschel that anyone struggling with any health issues especially Cancer should watch. The movie is about the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases.  The Gerson method of Cancer treatment is not available in this country thanks to the AMA.  Click on the movie title to go to the full length documentary on the web. Do not start the Gerson Therapy without referring to Charlotte Gerson’s book, Healing the Gerson Way, or without the supervision of a Gerson doctor.  Gerson Therapy full website:


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