I came to the same conclusion as Dr. Lowe and I stated it in "Roadblocks to the Cure" at the beginning of this blog, but he is far more eloquent than I am! So, here it is.
"I learned early during the last 16 years that the endocrinology specialty's judgment is corrupted by financial inducements from drug companies that profit from the TSH test and T4 replacement. All those years ago, my intention was to help revise the often harmful standard of care imposed by the endocrinology specialty for commercial rather than scientific reasons. After careful consideration in the last several years, however, I realized that the specialty has its heels dug in; it's clear to me that the specialty won't volitionally rehabilitate itself into a rational, scientific, ethical, and respectable medical specialty (endocrinology).
Rather than rehabilitate, to this day, the specialty practices thuggery on a par with that of traditional organized crime. It does so by intimidating and persecuting clinicians who fail to cooperate in restricting their patients to T4 replacement—an often ineffective and harmful approach to therapy that's hugely profitable to Big Pharma and, by quid pro quo, to the specialty itself.
The well-intending persecuted clinicians are guilty of recognizing that T4 replacement doesn't work for and harms many patients. And they are guilty of having the courage to abide by the Hippocratic oath in using thyroid hormone therapies that get their patients well.
The thuggery of the specialty is in highly active gear. We know this because regularly, clinicians contact us and tell us of actions being taken against them by medical regulatory boards. Invariably, the action involves testimony against the clinicians by members of the endocrinology specialty or affiliates of theirs.
And what is the ultimate consequence of these actions against so many well-intended clinicians? Patients who need safe and effective thyroid hormone therapy are restricted to T4 replacement—an approach that published studies clearly show to be ineffective and harmful for many patients.
It seems that most every community has members of the endocrinology specialty who function as thugs. They act as enforcers of the command that clinicians use only TSH testing and T4 products. These thug endocrinologists file complaints against noncompliant clinicians. Then they testify against the clinicians before regulatory boards and courts and walk away scot-free after giving scientifically-false testimony in courts of law and other legal venues.
Experience tells me that the endocrinology specialty won't relent—not until it's forced to do so, probably by class action law suits and by forcible complaints for violations of medical ethics to purveyors of medical regulatory boards. To me, the final solution lies in the education of patients, clinicians, and legislators; legislation to disempower the endocrinology specialty from further harm to patients, clinicians, and the public welfare; and litigation against the specialty and its corporation supporters.
The force of unforgiving corruption by the specialty and its affiliates has long loomed over me and my medical colleagues. Because of this, at the beginning of 2010, I decided to preemptively remove from my back the target known as "licensed clinician." Having divested myself of that particular easy target, I'm now free to communicate with people (patients, their loved ones, and their clinicians) simply as a clinical researcher, educator, and natural health advocate."
Dr. John C. Lowe is a fibromyalgia, thyroid, and metabolism researcher. As Director of Research for the Fibromyalgia Research Foundation, he has spearheaded the scientific study of two related topics: the metabolic causes of fibromyalgia, and the relief of fibromyalgia symptoms through the treatment approach he developed and named "metabolic rehabilitation." see more here: http://www.drlowe.com/
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